Emergency Lighting


What is Emergency Lighting?

Emergency lighting is essential to safely identify the exit routes from a premises when required, whether it may be due to a fire or loss of the normal lighting supplies leading to sudden darkness and the resultant hazard to human life, either through physical danger or panic.

Emergency lighting is normally required to operate automatically and provide sufficient illumination to enable persons of all ages to evacuate the premises safely.

Emergency lighting is part of the fire safety provision of a building and cannot be ignored.

The legal requirement is that non-domestic buildings must be safe at all times, even if mains power failure occurs. Therefore, nearly all such buildings must have emergency lighting fitted.

Maintenance and testing of emergency lighting systems.

Government guidelines (Fire safety risk assessment) state that all emergency escape lighting systems should be regularly tested and properly maintained to an appropriate standard (BS 5266 - Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises).

Failing to correctly maintain your emergency lighting systems could result in your emergency luminaries not functioning correctly when you rely on them the most.

Call EFP Fire & Protection today to enquire further regarding our emergency lighting annual service agreements!

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